Status of Marine Finfish
Marine Fish Aquaculture Scoping Workshop
In March 2017, Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI), USDA ARS and NOAA hosted a scoping workshop at HBOI in Ft. Pierce, Florida. This workshop brought together 26 experts from academia, government and industry to outline and prioritize the critical challenges and opportunities to support and meet the needs of the U.S. marine food fish aquaculture industry. This workshop led to a national survey for 18 marine finfish species identified by the workshop participants. The survey questions were comprehensive and were developed by the workshop participants.
Marine Finfish Aquaculture Survey
The goal of the survey was to gain broader input from the aquaculture community on general knowledge of these 18 marine food fish species and to choose the best options for domestic expansion of non-salmonid marine finfish aquaculture in the United States. The survey had responses from 76 stakeholders that included industry, research organizations, academia, and state and federal agencies. Download the marine finfish aquaculture resource spreadsheet .
Warm Water Marine Finfish Stakeholder Workshop – November 20th 2019 – Fort Pierce, FL
A Warmwater Marine Finfish Workshop was held at Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI-FAU) on November 20th 2019. The objective of the workshop was to listen to industry partners to ensure the USDA-ARS project research priorities align with industry needs. On hand for the workshop were eight Industry members including owners and their senior level staff, two representatives from USDA-ARS, and the three Project Investigators from HBOI-FAU. Download workshop report here.
Status of Marine Finfish Species for US Aquaculture March 10, 2019
Panel Discussion: Commercially Ready Species
Aquaculture America 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii
Status of U.S. Marine Finfish: Capacity, Resources and Partnership Opportunities to Advance U.S. Aquaculture
This special session at Aquaculture America 2020, on February 11, 2020, built upon the Aquaculture America 2019 special session: Status of Marine Finfish Species for U.S. Aquaculture. Across the nation there are tremendous aquaculture assets at academia, non-profit and agency locations. These assets include infrastructure, research expertise and extension. In recent years public private partnerships have become more popular as a way for research and industry to work together to strengthen the advancement of aquaculture. This special session included presentations from academia, non-profits, agencies and industry. They presented on successes and challenges of public private partnerships and what resources and capacity are availabel to develop public private partnerships. This included specialized laboratories and programs, demonstration sites, key species, expertise, production systems, and partnership services, lease spaces, and agreements.
This special session was hosted and organized by Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, USDA Agricultural Research Service, NOAA Fisheries Aquaculture, University of Southern Mississippi Thad Cochran Marine Aquaculture Center, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, and National Aquaculture Association.

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